I could be the next PM of the UK
As the British parliament muddles its way through the Brexit debacle like a blindfolded person trying to stick the tail on a donkey, the Prime Minister, Theresa May has tried against all odds to get parliament to agree on something, anything to get Brexit sorted as the deadline for exiting the EU looms.
While May fiddles and the UK economy burns, some ambitious Tories are in true political power- seeking mode and eyeing up the Prime Minister's job.
A quick scan of the list of those jockeying for No 10 Downing Street made it clear that I am indeed well qualified for the role.
1. I have a suit and have been known to wear a tie
2. I have told fewer lies that most of them. The few lies I have told have been high quality falsehoods that have not threatened to bring chaos to an entire nation. (Unlike many of the Brexiters who seem to have a reckless disregard for the truth)
3. I could masquerade as a Tory Toff. I went to a good private school. (I was nearly expelled for kissing a girl in the bell tower but that's another story)
4. My family are sort of landed gentry – I grew up on a farm. When I when to France I discovered I was actually a peasant
5. I can speak posh and say things like 'I say chaps that's not cricket' if and when required
6. I think Brexit is a good reason to have citizenship in a European country so that when it goes wrong, I will be alright.