Wimmin - what do they know?
They can have babies - yes. They say they can do anything - but we, the Misogynists Exclusive Network (MEN) know different.
They say they want equal pay for equal work ... but do they do equal work? Where do they fit in this so-called equal work? They are so busy with the housework, minding small children and tending to the needs of the MEN that they cannot possibly pretend they are working as hard as us as we slave away in our jobs.
If you do give them a job, they then go and get pregnant with no consideration for what this means to the workplace. Anyone would think that having got the vote on September 19, 1893, they would appreciate being given the ability to participate in elections and this would be more than enough. But no - now they are clamouring for equal pay. They can and have elected wimmin to Parliament and some have even taken important roles in government and corporations. Surely it is a sign of equality that we have had female prime ministers?
They say that a man and woman doing the same job should get the same pay. What a ridiculous idea. That would be like suggesting that wimmin are the same as us which - thank goodness - they are not.