I AM not sure how or why deciding on a new flag should cost $26 million. It seems a mite excessive.
Mind you, the going price for a new door to keep the National and Labour MPs apart, or for what appears to be a headstone outside the Starship Enterprise (or the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment as it is usually called), illustrates that taxpayer money is for spending.
The headstone might mark the spot where a very bad idea was buried and, of course, parliamentary offices should probably all have revolving doors ... but still it all seems expensive. I did wonder if the sheep flown to Saudi Arabia travelled business or cattle class as they appear to have been on ministerial business.
There is no doubt that we do need a new flag. The current one is often mistaken for the one used by the big island off the coast and we need to avoid getting mixed up in the morally suspect motivations of Australia's Abbott Government.
I note, with increasing concern, that John Key is starting to sound like Abbott with his rhetoric about not taking more refugees and casting more such arrivals as bogie men.