WE HAVE just had a very expensive flag debate debacle.
For many of us, the kiwi with laser beams shooting from its eyes said more about our nation than all the other designs put together. Its message to the world was clear - we may identify with a flightless, endangered bird but watch out for the 1000-yard stare of death rays.
Mind you, we did at least have a say in the flag-waving/decision-making process, while the Governor-General, who is a very able person I am sure, was foisted on us with absolutely no consultation whatsoever.
The United States is in the thrall of a man with an elaborate comb-over - it's the kind of a "lie with hair" that should, in theory, immediately undermine trust in anything the person underneath it says.
Donald Trump has been called many things - a buffoon, a misogynistic, narcissistic, xenophobic, hate-monger with a personality disorder who wants to keep out South America with a huge wall. People in Wellington will be muttering that he will never get a council permit to build a wall that blocks the neighbours' view of Texas - and if he does, it will have to be pulled down when Texicans remember how much they need Mexicans.