Maybe I could write about how both National and Labour have completely missed the point while attempting to score points on the Christmas Island debacle.
It is a matter of human rights - people being held in detention without being charged with any criminal offence, not being allowed legal representation, all under a cloak of secrecy.
The recent imprisonment of NZers for deportation from Australia has given us all a view into the Australia policy of holding asylum seekers in harsh conditions at remote sites in a manner we more often see in dictatorships. But I'm not going to write about that.
I could make this column a rearguard action fighting for a more equitable society, citing the numerous studies that show how societies with a big gap between the haves and the have nots is incubating a store of future problems that have the potential to demolish our sense of community.
When benefits are cut for those already struggling because they have not met some requirement, then there should be a similar measure that cuts the travel perks for MPs whenever they transgress the parliamentary system. But I'm not going to write about that.