A recent piece in the Guardian Newspaper noted people's willingness to adopt conspiracy theories in America and the UK. A significant proportion of citizens in both countries believe the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre were an inside job hatched by the US government. In America this was believed by 19% of those surveyed and by 11% in Britain.
Over half of the population in both countries were sure of at least one conspiracy such as the moon landing being staged in a film studio, aliens contacting earth in Roswell et al. About 50% of the people in the US and UK think their government is deliberately hiding the actual numbers of immigration from its citizens.
Little ol' NZ does not really have any grand scale secret conspiracies like these that we can call our own. This column will right that wrong by unveiling a number of conspiracies, secrets and lies.
In all the talk of polluted waterways, not only is there a cow in the room, there is another 'udderlying' plot that few are privy too. In the 80's NZ shipped cows overseas. They returned, in secret, radicalised by foreign ideas and set up cow cabals across the nation.
These cows then indoctrinated whole herds of previously free-thinking bovines with extreme ideas. These included a push against fences, signifying the loss of freedom to roam and a minor revolt against being touched by farmers with cold hands. This rebellion was quickly snubbed out by sending the dissenters to the freezing works.