An All Black knight would not be appropriate.
It is very satisfying that the team won the final game and have brought the World Cup home to New Zealand but offering knighthoods for this would be wrong for a number of reasons.
Firstly, because the PM is talking it up it is taking on the taint of a political appointment. It may suit the National Party to be seen alongside the WRC victors basking in their glory and hoping some of it will rub off on their standing in the polls but this is simply a PR stunt. If they had not got to the finals we would never have seen a beaming John Key drinking beer with them in the dressing room. This is possibly one of reasons that Richie McCaw has been sidestepping the issue with all the finesse he displays on the field. He is wise to avoid becoming a stage prop in the theatre of political whims.
Secondly, international rugby is a professional sport with all the money, marketing and hype that goes with that. The nation has been hoodwinked into a patriotic fervour for a game that is now big business with little or no connection with the sport at grassroots level.
The All Blacks play hard but they play for money. They are professional sportsman and a knighthood would simply mean joining the ranks of people who have received the honour for doing what they are paid - often very large sums - to do as part of their jobs. Generally knighthoods go to business people, politicians, successful athletes and entertainers, many of whom have done very well in their chosen field but have never done anything heroic.