IT IS not hard to see President Trump's obvious disdain for people of colour. Much of what he says is ranting gibberish, but even those with a beginner's understanding of the language of gibber can pick bigotry and inciting hatred out of a loose line-up of the usual suspect words.
He is vocal in his demonising of Mexicans and his loathing of those from African countries. He appears to be deliberately stoking hatred towards African Americans by snuggling up to right-wing extremist neo-Nazi groups while at the same time trying to ban Muslims from entering the US. He has supported separating children from their parents at the border because they come from somewhere else. All are attacks on people of colour.
Does he never look in the mirror? Silly question, but does he not realise he is a person of colour himself? The man is orange. It might be a fake tan, which — like the fake news he is always on about — is not actually real. Artificial or not, it does make him appear to be a coloured person. He is orange.
I have no idea why he feels the need to be orange. Does anybody know? I mean it may not be a fake tan — it could be he just eats too many carrots, but we know he really likes burgers, so that seems unlikely.
Perhaps it is his way of finding a kind of belonging in a world where his overwhelming sense of superiority makes him feel alone? He clearly feels that no one can know as much about everything as he does. He recently gave advice to the Paris Fire Brigade on how to put out burning medieval cathedrals. He knows everything about fire-fighting, and being so clever must be a lonely place.
What do you do when you do actually know everything? You are on your own and need to find a belonging. The orange people are a widely misunderstood group who pale by comparison with others and therefore seek out the protection of a fake tan. It does not look real. Non-orange people stare at you in the street. Maybe they snigger when you go past. It is probably very hard to be an orange person in a world where no one understands.