This column may contain some cynicism, unqualified comment and wildly reckless statements. I would like to open with my current saying of the week - the quality of our mistakes must be improving as there seem to be more of them. What does this mean I hear you cry or mutter if you are the strong silent type. It means that perfectionism includes acknowledging mistakes.
The change to the name of the government agency charged with child protection is now perfect - it is the Ministry for Children. No longer to be known as the Ministry for Vulnerable Children this change is significant. The name now says the role is to act as advocates for all children. This is how it should be.
All children and young people require a specific part of government that looks out for their interests by monitoring policy to see how legislation might affect the wellbeing of all children and young people, recognising that the social divide between the have-lots and have nots is not created by them but by adults - the policy makers and politicians and delivered via the functions of government departments.
The wellbeing of children and youth is knocking at the door that leads to the future asking to be let in and be heard. Too often the system is blind and deaf to this call. Is that because children don't vote? We have a society in which some live in mansions while others sleep in their cars or crowded into rentals that are cold, damp and unhealthy.
The coalition government, under the leadership of the new Prime Minister, has been presented with a huge challenge but there does seem to be a genuine sharp edge on their promises to improve the outcomes for those children growing up in struggling households.