National's slogan sounds like the call of a cargo cult with its "Delivering for New Zealanders".
It certainly won't be using fast post. I find it astonishing New Zealand Post did not see email come galloping over the horizon and move to set itself up as an internet letter provider way back when the market was wide open for such an innovation.
Bill English and Co seem intent on delivering New Zealanders a future in which the desk chairs will be rearranged on the doomed ship of state with women and children being pushed out of the lifeboats by market forces.
They have failed to deliver on any policy that will close the gap between the have lots and have nots. If they lose the election they may have to go to one of their boot camps to be rehabilitated.
The Greens' slogan is "Love NZ" but for many voters love is no longer enough. The sudden onset of the kind of hubris that they have criticised in other political parties has been disastrous.
To think they could champion the lot of beneficiaries by highlighting how a long-serving MP on a grand salary had never felt any need to pay back money owed to her fellow taxpayers was dim.
The New Zealand First slogan asks us to "Stand with Us".
They are confused - they are not us. They are a small bunch of divisive scaremongers.
Voters are not that easily "mongered" and may in fact want NZ First to stand with them, especially in Northland where Mr Peters seems to have done nothing about the social crisis hitting the children and youth of the region.
Oh, they are too young to vote.
The Maori Party slogan is "Get on Board the Waka".
This sounds great but Maori have always paddled their own canoes with a diversity of opinions and will no doubt get on the waka that carries their aspirations rather than follow a slogan.
ACT is touting the notion of "A Tax Cut for Every Earner" - a cash job sort of a slogan but devoid of any actual meaning.
United Future - all one MP - wants "A Better Deal for Future Generations". Does this refer to the better deal they have not managed to conjure out of their coalition deal with National?
The Opportunities Party has the best slogan/ instruction. "Care. Think. Vote". They have got the word sequence right. Most people do care, many think and some vote.
-Terry Sarten (aka Tel) is a writer, musician, social worker and orbiting slogan-naut - feedback: