By the time you read this we will have a new Prime Minister, and all eyes will be on that person to see what style of leadership they bring into the circus that is electioneering. There will never be another Jacinda Ardern. She demonstrated that it is possible to ‘do politics’ without resorting to ruthless combat. She showed that it is possible to be decisive and strong without sacrificing empathy and genuine compassion. She did not indulge in the childish behaviour that is so prevalent in politics. She was often the ‘adult’ when others were busy playing their ego-driven political games.
This has provided an alternative to the usual competitive power plays or outright lies that voters have had to put up with. Her gender presented a real challenge to many who believed politics should be done by men, with all the macho posturing and being ‘tough’ as the default sign of success.
There is an urgent need to move beyond such stereotypes. She has shown that it is possible to have power and use it wisely, to be strong, caring and kind. In the kingdom of misogyny, where power rules and the perceived loss of that power is a threat, Jacinda’s leadership style has been a challenge.
The death threats - and the misogyny-driven hostility towards her - were both pathetic and dangerous. Who was to know which of the authors of the many hate-filled diatribes was intending to actually try to kill her?