Periodically we're subject to collective hysterias, led by the media in unison with relevant bureaucrats, single issue lobbyists and politicians, all copycat singing from the same songbook, seemingly insensitive to the silliness they're promoting. That their efforts rarely wash with the public seems lost on them.
We've had an epidemic of such inanities this year, beginning with the ridiculous assertion that we have a culture of child violence. After that had a good run, the same group promoted the equally ludicrous claim that we have a rape culture. We not only have no such cultures, by comparison it would be more accurate to claim we have a culture of darts-playing as a damn sight more people play darts, albeit still few in number, than beat up children or rampage about raping women. There's a lesson here. Whenever you hear the word culture used to support a proposition, you can be absolutely assured that it's in lieu of a legitimate argument.
Now we have the same lot at it again with a third idiocy clamour, namely promoting everyone learning to speak Maori, which we're wrongly told is part of our cultural heritage. This is an utterly unworthy objective for which tens of millions of taxpayer dollars have already been wasted, as evidenced not only by the abysmal results but also its pointlessness.
The sole purpose of language is communication and romanticising obtuse virtues about it is pretentious nonsense. Artistic expression, such as poetry and prose, is not about individual words which in themselves have no special merit, but instead their placement. The Welsh endured this foolishness by their zealots and vast sums were spent promoting their redundant language, all pointlessly as the Welsh sensibly ignored these efforts. But at least its promoters didn't have the outrageous gall to try and force it on Yorkshiremen, Scots and others, unlike the exhortations here with speaking Maori.
Some years ago in America, I met an elderly linguistics professor, reputedly the world authority on translating Shakespeare into German, and discussed the pointlessness of preserving redundant languages. He agreed with my utilitarian approach vis a vis language's sole communication function and the silliness of romanticising or seeking to preserve them, once they've done their dash.