Ever wondered what it is like to drive an electric tram?
Next month Whanganui people can experience driving the district's heritage tram, Mable. The chance is on offer with the Whanganui Tramways Trust.
For those over 18, $10 provides a 30-minute session including a safety briefing, a bit of tram history, and a driving experience. You will learn how sand dropped on the rails can slow the tram down, why there's no steering wheel, when hand and air brakes are used, why the tram has a pole at one end and a whole lot more, says the trust.
To book your Sunday morning slot for July 4 or 18 contact whanganuitram12@gmail.com, text 0274801596 or call in at the tram shed on Taupo Quay (opposite Mud Ducks) any Sunday from 1-3pm.