Someone once said the most important thing in business is to keep a cool head.
I agree with that and, in fact, you could probably apply that to any situation in life - particularly those which appear seemingly out of nowhere.
But just as important, I think, is the ability to have a clear head, because I have found that when you mind is clear of all the clutter you can often see things for what they are and make better decisions.
Last weekend, work and the attraction of seeing a 6m tall mechanical monkey (the outstanding King Kong musical) took us to Melbourne where I found three days of clear thinking enabled me to better apply strategic thinking to my own business and some projects which are ongoing at the moment.
Whether it is because I have good friends over there, or the fact that I lived there for a time, there is something about Melbourne which I really love. There is a vibrancy and culture about the place which is absent in other cities in Australia.