Balance seems to be one of those things so many of us are striving for, but really, is it realistic to think we'll ever strike a balance in life? You know the balance I mean.
That "perfect" work/life balance. Where we leave our work at work, we're totally present with our children and family at home, and we don't feel pulled in 10 different directions.
I find it interesting when people say, "You've got the balance right! You get to work but still be there for the kids, amazing!" And to a degree, I guess it does look and sound like the "perfect" balance. But sometimes it's a case of … do you know what's going on behind closed doors? Not really.
No matter what situation you're in, striking that balance is not easy to do. Male or female. Working part-time or fulltime. Have children or don't have children. The struggle is real. And why is that?
These days the societal pressure to do everything, be involved with everything, say "yes" to everything, is strong. The number of hours in the day hasn't increased since the beginning of time, yet the expectation to cram more into that time is increasing year on year.