When things get tight, people do desperate things and last week we saw one desperate woman advertise she had made a choice to become a prostitute rather than continue on her domestic purposes benefit, so she could study at university.
But I wonder how desperate she really is. It sounds very dramatic, and she had posted the advertisements apparently but had yet to commence work in her new line of business.
The Green Party thought the story was so politically useful that they had flown her down to Wellington from Auckland to get media attention and arrange a television interview to be screened that night.
Questions were asked in Parliament and then things started to crumble for the Greens new List MP Jan Logie. Firstly, Labour Party Jacinda Ardern blew the whistle by asking questions on the same point, effectively stealing the show.
It all blew up in their faces as the facts came to light. The mother of two children receives a benefit which amounts to the equivalent of a $43,000 wage. This does not include early children education funding for both children, it does not include money Winz would loan for educational costs, it does not include hardship grants that would be available from time to time, and it does not include $4000 towards fees and $1000 course-related costs.