The speed limit on SH3/Great North Road from approximately 200m north of Tirimoana Place to south of Turere Pl will be 70km/h by July 1. Photo / Mike Tweed
The speed limit on SH3/Great North Road from approximately 200m north of Tirimoana Place to south of Turere Pl will be 70km/h by July 1. Photo / Mike Tweed
A speed limit increase on a state highway in Whanganui should have public input, Whanganui District Mayor Andrew Tripe says.
The stretch of State Highway 3/Great North Rd on St John’s Hill, from approximately 200m north of Tirimoana Place to south of Turere Pl, will move from 50km/h to 70km/h by July 1.
Also in 2020, another stretch of SH3, from north of Blueskin Rd to north of Tirimoana Place, dropped from 100/km/h to 80km/h.
That will remain in place for now but reinstating the 100km/h limit went to public consultation on January 30 and will run for six weeks.
Tripe said the consultation was reassuring and expected “a bit of pushback” on the proposal.
In 2020, NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) estimated the lowered speed limit along the entire 2.7km stretch of road (north of Blueskin Rd to south of Turere Pl) would add 21 seconds to travel times.
Whanganui MP (National) Carl Bates said the 50km/h to 70km/h change was part of a campaign commitment the Government made – “a focus on getting New Zealand moving”.
“I appreciate that some people will say ‘Well, it’s only x-amount of time [saved]‘, but every x-amount of time for every vehicle, across all the changes we’ve made across the country, add up to be a lot,” Bates said.
“It’s part of an overall plan to ensure productivity and drive in the New Zealand economy, at the same time as recognising and balancing the safety needs of our community.”
Andrew Tripe says both sections of SH3/Great North Rd should have been consulted on. Photo / Bevan Conley
Dickens Lane resident Bill Simmonds said he had no issue with the speed limit rising to 70km/h on part of Great North Rd/SH3.
“I think it’s a measured, sedate speed there,” he said.
However, having a 100km/h limit past the Rapanui Rd/SH3 junction and the Pukeko’s Nest cafe “is not a good idea”.
“It could even be 70km/h and there should be better traffic management around that pinch point,” Simmons said.
“A lot of vehicles are pulling out there and crossing to the outside lane.”
Simmons said former Whanganui District Councillor and owner of Ray’s Garage (next to Pukeko’s Nest), the late Ray Stevens, recorded videos of near-misses at that intersection.
“Some of them were horrendous close calls,” he said.
“A pedestrian was also killed there not that many years ago.”
Bates said the speed limit between Tirimoana Pl and Turere Pl could be reviewed in the future if there was significant development or change in the road’s usage.
“If people have a view on the wider section of road, they can share their thoughts as part of the consultation, given it’s all one piece of road.”
When asked if he preferred 80km/h or 100km/h, Bates said he had not “looked at that stretch of road with that question in mind”.
“I’ll have a look at it and make sure I have a considered opinion, and I’ll listen to the feedback that comes into my office.”
Mike Tweed is a multimedia journalist at the Whanganui Chronicle. Since starting in March 2020, he has dabbled in everything from sport to music. At present his focus is local government, primarily the Whanganui District Council.