IT'S THE catchcry of the toddler, that call to independence all parents hear at some point, "I can do it myself."
It's the struggle to work out just how to stand on one foot while you get your jeans on, find a toilet in time, or work out how to get the blocks stacked without them all crashing down.
It can be the hardest thing to watch, when you know you could get it done yourself so much faster and better, but you know as a parent that it will one day pass and your tantrum-throwing toddler will be exchanged for a kid who can get his or her own breakfast and get dressed without any help.
It's an important analogy for when you suddenly find you're a single parent trying to sort out how to do everything alone - on a fast and furious learning curve. Like that toddler, it can be intensely frustrating and may bring on the odd adult tantrum, but if you work through it, it does get easier.
There is no doubt that parenting alone can be a challenge so here are a few hot tips to help: