Politics can be a cruel beast. Just ask Whanganui MP Chester Borrows.
While the likeable National Party MP has never been one to wear his heart on his sleeve, the snub delivered by his leader in overlooking him for a Cabinet post must have hurt.
In previous interviews with this newspaper, Mr Borrows has acknowledged his ambitions were to get his feet under the Cabinet table. Indeed, his worth was recognised by John Key when he was given positions outside Cabinet, as Minister of Courts and Associate Minister of both Justice and Social Development.
What our MP, and others, did not see was a pending changing of the guard. The front benches have been filled with incumbents and newbies, and all generally younger than the 57-year-old former policeman turned lawyer. Call it succession planning as Mr Key looks to strengthen his leadership team with a gaggle of young guns.
Now the air has cleared post- election Mr Borrows has had time to reflect on the decisions his boss has made and with typical pragmatism just get on with it as the nominee for Deputy Speaker.