Castlecliff School is small with only 80 students, but they did well in the Puriri Safe as Houses art competition, says principal Katherine Ellery.
Drawing on her former job as an architect draughtsperson, Ms Ellery encouraged some of her students to draw a perspective of a house.
They worked at their designs and Raymond-Te-Ahu Paranihi-Richards' perspective shone in the darkened St Marks Hall during the week-long exhibition from July 22 and was judged overall male winner.
Rutherford Junior High's Shontae Hope-Kuru was judged overall female winner of the competition, which included schools from Tawhero, St Marcellin, Te Kura o Kokohuia, Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Tupoho and Barsanti Kindergarten.
The schools and kindergartens in the Puriri Neighbourhood Policing Team's (PNPT) area were invited to design a piece of art that reflected a household which was safe and felt safe to live in.