PARENTING is so complex! The other day in a local store I watched an inquisitive toddler pick up some hooks from beside the counter while waiting with Mum. The mum kindly told her toddler that "we don't touch, just look". In less than 30 seconds the Mum had gone to the next shelf and picked up an item, all while the toddler looked on.
How often do we expect certain behaviours from our children, yet fail to see that we can undo the learning by our own failure to follow the same rules?
This got me thinking about how our behaviours influence our children's learning, be it consciously or unconsciously.
We know from child development research and experience that children are born without social knowledge or social skills, and they eagerly look for someone to imitate. That "someone" is usually one or both parents.
Parents are a child's first teachers and role models. And usually children are more affected by what their parents do than by what their parents say. They learn how to behave by seeing how their mothers and fathers behave and by following their example.