-Write a lovely note to your child and pop it under his or her pillow or in his or her lunch box. "Have a special day - Mum and Dad love you heaps".
-Have a whole day where everyone stays in their pyjamas.
-Have a favourite colour day for each child with clothes, food, surprises in her or his favourite colour.
-Write messages in code on the fridge door/message board and leave clues for them to decode.
-Organise and send a personal invitation to a mother-and-daughter or son-and-father event, such as an afternoon tea for two on the back lawn.
-During the weekend let your children sleep in any room of the house they want to; the lounge, the study, the dining room, or even the hall.
-Take them to the beach to watch the sun set or rise.
-Make a hut with sheets and rugs and read stories by torchlight.
-Go through the family photo albums together.
-Draw chalk pictures on the footpath.
-Wash teddies' clothes in a bucket and peg them out to dry.
-Lie on the grass, close your eyes and listen to what sounds you can hear, or just watch the clouds.
Hope you have lots of fun trying out some of these ideas. For some more family fun how about visiting the Children's Day Celebrations at Springvale Stadium and Park this Sunday from 11am to 2pm. There is free entry to the Splash Centre and more than 20 great activities to do together. The event is suitable for all ages and it's all free.
We'll be there rain or shine.
SKIP (Strategies with Kids and Information for Parents) has tips and strategies for parents and caregivers on raising children in a positive way.
-Visit the SKIP website skip.org.nz for more information or contact Liza and Lynette at SKIP Whanganui email skipwhanganui@xtra.co.nz or ph/text 027 626 1404.