Six people are standing for two positions on the board of one of the biggest farms in the country, the Ātihau-Whanganui Incorporation.
The Māori-owned incorporation with more than 9000 shareholders manages 38,500 hectares of ancestral land from Ohakune to Whanganui, including seven sheep and beef breeding stations, two finishing stations and a dairy unit. It farms 70,000 sheep, 4000 beef cows and 700 dairy cows, and also has more than 3000 beehives.
Two of the seven current board members, Keria Ponga and Tiwha Puketapu, will stand down as part of the board's rotation policy. Both are up for re-election, and four further nominees have been confirmed. They are Jenny Tamakehu, Murray Haitana, Kemp Dryden and Sarah Bell.
Ātihau-Whanganui Tikanga & Branding Manager Whetu Moataane says shareholders will have the opportunity to vote at the annual general meeting on who will join chair Mavis Mullins, Che Wilson, Shar Amner, Rawiri Tinirau and Whatarangi Murphy-Peehi for the next term.