Is this another rant about exercise and its benefits? Yes it is. And if you're one of the many who rolled their eyes when you read this just give yourself two minutes to finish reading it. This message could change your life forever!
You may already know that given time regular exercise will improve your fitness and reduce your risk of some major health diseases. But did you know that regular exercise can have immediate benefits on your everyday life?
If I told you that by attending 6am bootcamps three mornings a week would improve your health and fitness, would you get up and go? Probably not. You don't doubt the benefits but it takes time to get those results. If I told you I'd give you a million dollars to take a 30 minute walk tomorrow morning would you do it? You bet you would! Money can be very motivating and the benefits would be immediate - shopping that same morning!
Let's look at some of the immediate benefits of exercise.
Energy. How good would it feel to actually have more energy at the end of the day to spend quality time with your kids? Patience. Life can be demanding and we certainly need lots of patience to cope. Focus. The project at work you have been procrastinating over will be finished in no time. Energy, patience and focus are three immediate benefits of exercise - you won't have to wait forever to get these results.
Given that I don't have a million bucks to give you, let's now think of some practical ways you can create your own motivation to feel more immediate benefits of exercise such as reducing stress and improving your mood. These benefits can be life changing for you and everyone around you!