Containing the huge number of donated vegetable and flower seeds for display at Whanganui Environment Base has been an urgent activity for some of the WhEBsters lately.
Rocket, calendula, kale, silverbeet and carrot seeds were brought in last month; kakabeak, kowhai and Shirley poppy seeds the month before.
Small transparent pill containers with a white lid are our favoured vessels for these small seeds and we are grateful to the many local residents who save their empties for us.
Peter Watson, one of our on-site volunteer gardeners, made some simple labels to stick on the side.
As with all other items taken from the Re-Use Academy, we ask for a donation to help cover the overheads at the WhEB.
Seed saving is a popular pastime with some Whanganui gardeners. We appreciate the time it takes to look after the vegetable plants they allow to flower, then harvest the seeds and package them in bulk for the WhEB.