The Sarjeant Rose is a pink, scented floribunda, marketed exclusively by The Friends of the Sarjeant this year as part of a major fundraising initiative. The rose bears vintage cupped-shaped blooms on an easy-care, healthy, modern plant which will grow to about 1.5m.
“The Sarjeant Rose makes a gorgeous gift. It’s also a way to connect with and contribute to the redevelopment, what is probably the most significant event since the gallery was first opened in 1919,” Samuels said.
People can order their rose online via the Sarjeant website or by phone (06) 349 0506 and have the option to either collect it on July 6 at Tylee Cottage or have it couriered in late June anywhere in New Zealand. Roses that are not collected on collection day will also be couriered and will include all the information from Matthews Nurseries about the rose, planting and care.
Four roses will be planted in the garden at Tylee Cottage, which is closely linked to the Sarjeant Gallery through the gallery’s artist-in-residence programme. There will be four planting demonstrations in the cottage garden across the collection timeframe and Bob, Cath and Samantha Matthews will be available to chat and answer questions. Information about the Sarjeant Gallery plus Matthews Nurseries’ history, products and rose planting instructions will be available.
“Another exciting thing is that the Whanganui District Council has confirmed they will plant two beds of the Sarjeant Rose along Victoria Ave,” Samuels said.
On collection day people will be able to chat with Sarjeant staff and are encouraged to join The Friends of the Sarjeant.
This is a great time to join up, Gibbard said, with the Sarjeant Gallery scheduled to reopen on November 9.
“Your Friends of the Sarjeant Gallery membership will bring you closer to the Sarjeant and allow you to share your passion for the arts and culture with our growing community of new members.”
What: The Sarjeant Rose Collection Day
When: Saturday, July 6, 11am to 1pm
Where: Tylee Cottage, 26 Bell St, Whanganui
Pre-orders: or (06) 349 0506