But teamwork in business is crucial, and I like how Andrew Carnegie puts it: "[it] is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments towards organisational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."
Without teamwork, humankind would not have achieved the momentous things that it has and we wouldn't have the lives that we have today.
The other thing going for teams is that you can implement systems and processes to manage situations. Where the processes and structures which are there to support the team are cutting edge – from researching a market to training and development regimes – it is clearly evident, not only in financial performance but also in terms of how businesses are positioned and perceived in a market.
A business with robust and best practice processes and systems performs well. It will therefore come as no surprise that designing and implementing best practice systems is the most satisfying part of my job.
A good example is being in a band - this is a lesson in teamwork. If we are all working together and each contributing like we should (that is, practising, actively working as a unit and listening to each other) we actually surprise ourselves at how good the group sounds and how much fun we are having. If we, as a team, are not in tune (pun intended) the result is just, well, just noise.
The great thing is that, as the band grew, we added the right mix of skills and instruments to deliver the right sound – just as you would build a team in your business or for a particular project that requires a particular outcome.
Next week I will highlight a local team that is doing some great work and achieving strategic objectives - a practical demonstration of the power of a good team.