When I look back at 2017 - which will occur in only 109 days! - I will do my usual review of the business and my own personal growth. Last year, on New Year's Eve, my son asked me "Dad, what is the best thing that you have done this year?" and, surprisingly, it was a hard question to answer. This year, I know that I have a clear front-runner.
And that is coaching a Years 7 and 8 football team.
This year I decided to offer my time to coach a team which included by daughter. I went into it with a plan to ensure the children got the most value out of the season. This included building skills, teamwork and, most of all, fun and enjoyment.
I modelled my approach on a coach I had when I was in, what was, Form 2. At that time I played for Wanganui City and was coached by Steve Silk. It was, by far, my favourite year of football - not just because we were successful but because we were properly coached.
This year I introduced the team to values which were important to both the season but also life in general. They were (are) Focus, Teamwork, Commitment and 'Do your job' - and the players grasped each and every concept.
So, how does this relate to business in general? Unless you are a sole trader, you will likely be part of a team and the measure of success that you achieve will be derived from how that team performs.