RSA murderer William Bell at the Auckland High Court today for a judicial review about his security reclassifications last year. Photo / Alex Burton
RSA murderer William Bell at the Auckland High Court today for a judicial review about his security reclassifications last year. Photo / Alex Burton
A notorious killer has apologised for his crimes at the start of an Auckland court hearing as he launches his case against Corrections.
William Dwane Bell became one of the country's most high-profile murderers when he killed three people and wounded a fourth at the Mt Wellington-Panmure RSA in December 2001.
Mary Hobson, 44, Wayne Johnson, 56, and William Absolum, 63, were killed during the robbery.
He also seriously injured Susan Couch, who worked part time doing the club's accounts.
"I am not proud of what I did. I committed a horrendous crime," Bell told the High Court at Auckland today.
Bell is representing himself in a case against Corrections in which he alleges he was wrongfully reclassified a maximum security prisoner.
He lost his kitchen job as there was an anonymous allegation he was going to poison staff, the court heard.
Then somebody called Crimestoppers alleging Bell was planning to take a hostage in a bid to escape.
Bell argued Corrections failed to properly investigate the allegations.
Bell said the rule of law applies to everyone - sinners and saints and all in between.
The law does not require someone to have led a "blameless life" to qualify for protection.
"Human rights are universal."
Public officials were "not immune" from the law which was in itself what granted them power, he said.
"When the rules of the law are ignored or broken they must be held to account for their actions as much as any other person is held accountable for theirs."
Bell told the court he had maintained a low-medium security classification without issue from 2016 until partway through last year.
This was changed to maximum until the investigations were completed.
His case against Corrections is a judicial review of his reclassifications last year.
Bell, who is currently classified at low-medium again, said there was no proof he was hatching a plan to escape.
He claims details of individual truck licence plates were written in his notebook to keep track of what role each truck was performing at the prison's new build.
"I was one of the essential workers in that kitchen," he said.
Phillip John Smith's name and bank account number was also written down in the notebook, the court heard.
She said Bell was challenging three decisions involved in his reclassifications last year - first the move to high, then maximum and then down to high again.
Helen Carrad, a lawyer acting for Corrections, said they maintained the decisions and the process followed were fair, lawful and proportionate.
If he had escaped he would be an "extremely high risk", she said.
There had also been an allegation Bell was using his job in the laundry to pass drugs and was asking other prisoners for shanks, she said.