A TRIP along Heads Rd last Friday night reminded me of being sent to pluck sheep in high summer as a child.
The greener, more maggot-infested the carcase, the easier the wool came off. The pocket money came in handy but the smell left you gagging.
On Friday night it seemed as if a giant rotting sheep was just round the corner. Instead, it was Imlay.
I'm not sure what Gonville has done in a past life to earn this kind of malodorous treatment. First it took a full hit on the wastewater stink and now this.
And while it was good to see Horizons Regional Council on the job immediately last week, I can't recall the gusty wind making it "there one minute and gone the next". It was pretty much there all the time; the wind just meant a whiff of even more intense foul-smelling stuff was whipped up.