Oh, how I love the lead-up to a good general election. It's the only time when prime time TV between Home and Away at 5.30pm and Shortland Street at 7pm can compete for sheer entertainment value.
Forget hard-hitting news at 6pm. Between now and September 20, tune in instead to your favourite type-cast characters: overweight likeable rogue and wanted man Kim Dotcom, cool-cat PM John Key with his brilliantly scripted made-for-telly one-liners, and just plain old cat-like David Cunliffe (check out catsthatlooklikedavidcunliffe.tumblr.com if you don't believe me).
And as if looking like a cat isn't enough to bid for the top spot running a country these days, it seems you even have to act like one to secure your spot in the polls.
No, folks, we're not interested in policy. It's personality that rates, and more specifically the ability to find faults in the opponent's personality and launch catty attacks that fall far short of what most voters expect from people charged with running a nation.
Failing that, any old tenuous link to a wealthy immigrant with residency will do nicely. Although I do find it odd that this particular plot-line seems to be shamelessly rehashed by most parties this year a little bit of originality among the political PR teams would go a long way.