By Barry Soper
AS LAWMAKERS, politicians can virtually do anything, and they have done what to many is incomprehensible -- they've turned the Whanganui River into a person.
No, they hadn't had a long session in Bellamys. They were stone cold sober as they gave the river its own legal identity "with all the corresponding rights, duties and liabilities of a legal person".
The person who could probably now be described then as the river's dad (Chris Finlayson's bill did give the river its human status) says it recognises the deep spiritual connection between the Whanganui iwi and its ancestral river.
And no, the river won't be a drain on the Superannuation Fund even though, given its advanced age, it'd well and truly qualify for the pension. In fact, it'll be a very wealthy pensioner, being in charge of a $30 million contestable fund, which is there to "further its health and well-being". And to change its status from a natural resource to a person, $1m is being put up for legal expenses.