SpontaneoUS provided a great learning experience for all ages from high school students to grandparents when they held a workshop at Repertory Theatre on Saturday.
Their afternoon workshop was followed by an evening show which attendees were encouraged to participate in and which they thoroughly enjoyed.
Based in Palmerston North's Centrepoint Theatre, this talented group provided a fun time for all.
"It was great fun," Dee says. "The exercises were designed to improve our listening skills, to help us focus and to think quickly. We played games to help learn each other's names, we had to think of different modes of transport and sing them to each other.
"There was a game of 'statues' too. You know, where you strike a pose then explain why you're standing like that, create a story. Together we made up another story too. The first person says a sentence, the second person adds their sentence and so on until you have a full story which may or may not make sense."