Meet our delightful little Ladybird, Eloise Gordon, 9, who shares an amazing adventure with James and other friends aboard a giant Peach as it sails across the Atlantic Ocean.
I asked her what the Ladybird was like.
“Oh, she’s fancy! She has stuff the others don’t have, like a handbag and comb and stuff like that. She’s different to the others. Well, they’re all different really. They all have their own personalities. She wants to stay away from the sea for the rest of her life too.” Why? “Well, she wants to keep away from the sharks. She’s scared of them.”
What would a Ladybird have to do with sharks? “They were after the Giant Peach when she was on it!” Well, I guess her aversion to sharks is understandable then.
Eloise has been in only one theatrical production before when her school, Faith City, produced The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. I suggested that she must have enjoyed it to have come along for this play. My reward? A delightful smile and an enthusiastic, “Oh yes!”