This week I read an interesting story about the price of the hotel rooms where various world leaders were staying during the G20 summit in Brisbane. By "interesting," I mean not interesting in the slightest, of course.
The brief news item which held a lofty position on the NZ Herald's online home page plumbed the depths of investigative journalism to reveal some heads of state spent rather a lot on accommodation, some spent not much at all and the vast majority spent a middling amount entirely commensurate with their need for tight security and a good night's sleep before attempting to fix the world.
It really was a remarkable insight into what is considered newsworthy, particularly given I couldn't see any story at all about the global issues of war and poverty doubtless being addressed by the world's leaders between sleeping on satin sheets.
Cutting down tall poppies has always been a bit of a disappointing Kiwi trait, although its origins are nobly rooted in an egalitarian principle forged by hardy souls who rejected the social strata of colonial Britain to carve out a life of meritocracy in the New World. But what many people in the "new" New Zealand seem to have forgotten since their forebears applied blood, sweat and tears to tame a wild landscape and secure their quarter-acre block, is that while we should always strive to give everyone equal opportunities, we shouldn't condemn those whose hard work may make them a little more equal than others.
Surely if anyone has earned a night at the Hilton's best digs, it's the person who has surrendered a life of privacy, personal safety and (in the case of many world leaders including our own) the pursuit of significant personal wealth to pursue the politics and power to try to make the world a better place.