Drivers queue for Covid-19 testing last week on the grounds of Whanganui Hospital. Photo / Moana Ellis
Drivers queue for Covid-19 testing last week on the grounds of Whanganui Hospital. Photo / Moana Ellis
The Whanganui region's main Covid-19 testing station at Whanganui Hospital is closing at the end of this week because of the impact of demand for testing.
Whanganui District Health Board chief executive Russell Simpson told Local Democracy Reporting last week he was seeking alternative testing sites to ease congestion at the hospital caused by the surge in demand and long queues of cars lined up for testing.
People waiting for tests last week reported queueing up to three hours.
The Community Based Assessment Centre at the hospital closes on Friday and will be replaced by distribution sites throughout the region for Rapid Antigen Tests, or RATs.
The DHB said people seeking a RAT must meet Ministry of Health guidelines to be eligible and could then order a RAT kit online before picking it up from a distribution site. Supervised RAT testing would be available at some sites.
Distribution sites in Whanganui, Marton, Bulls, Taihape and Raetihi included the DHB's central city Te Rito clinic, community and Māori health providers, and some pharmacies and GP clinics. Pop-up testing clinics would also continue.
People waiting for tests last week reported queueing up to three hours. Photo / Moana Ellis
The virus had spread to all parts of the DHB region with cases confirmed in the Waimarino, Waiouru, Taihape, Hunterville and rural areas of Rangitīkei, and major clusters in Whanganui and Marton. The DHB reported a total of 267 active cases yesterday.
In the Ruapehu district's northern area, which was covered by Waikato District Health Board, cases had been found in National Park, Ōwhango and Taumarunui, where 57 cases had been reported.
"We understand our community is anxious for more COVID-19 testing clinics and distribution locations for Rapid Antigen Testing kits (RAT)," the Whanganui DHB said.
"If a distribution point has not been confirmed for your area, please be patient. There are several clinics that we are currently waiting on confirmation of the site or finalisation of paperwork.
"Our team is working hard to bring you as many clinics as we can and get RAT kits distributing directly to your area. We will be adding more clinics to the list."
RAT distribution sites currently in place are:
WHANGANUI: Tūpoho Inspire Manaaki Whānau Centre, 32 Wilson St. Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm.
Te Oranganui, 57 Campbell St. Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm.
Te Rito (walk in only – supervised RATs available), 133 Wicksteed St. Monday to Sunday 9am to 3pm.
Aramoho Pharmacy, 142 Somme Parade. Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm.
Central City Pharmacy, 121 Victoria Ave. Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm.
TAIHAPE Taihape Health (ring for appointment), 3 Hospital Rd. Monday to Saturday 9am to 12pm.