5. Who is the “Flawsome Artist” whose murals feature on several Whanganui walls?
6. What song topped the NZ pop charts for four weeks and was our biggest seller in 1984, outselling all international recording artists?
7. Who is the Whanganui police sergeant who has written two books about police dogs?
8. Name the winner of an international literary prize who visited his old school in Whanganui recently.
9. Who is the former student of the NZ Opera School in Whanganui who is a finalist in the BBC Cardiff Singer of the World operatic competition?
10. Eric Hall McCormick from Taihape wrote a biography on which prominent NZ painter?
1. Craft and object-based practitioner Areez Katki. He is in Tylee Cottage from February until June.
2. The Gonville Town Hall. The NZ-born Nashville-based Americana duo The Tattletale Saints performed.
3. Downfall: The Destruction of Charles Mackay.
4. April 2024.
5. Multi-disciplinary artist Michelle Sigley.
6. Poi E, sung in Māori by the Patea Māori Club.
7. Sue Burridge who heads the Whanganui Dog Section.
8. Sri Lankan-born Shehan Karunatilaka, who won the 2022 Booker Prize. He received an honours tie at Collegiate School which he attended 1990-92.
9. Filipe Manu, a tenor. The final of the prestigious competition is in June.
10. Frances Hodgkins. Son of a bootmaker, McCormick was a Cambridge University graduate and noted biographer and art historian.
Six correct — good; 8 — very good; 10 — genius