Manuka honey, liquid gold! The real product is said to have medical healing properties that are unique in the world. But what is the real product and how can it be classified?
Comvita, honey producers, are a good Kiwi home-grown company doing manuka research in conjunction with Massey University. They have already produced their own standard classification of manuka honey, giving it a unique manuka factor (UMF) which is accepted and recognised by their customers all over the world.
There have been fraudulent claims, however, by companies labelling their products as manuka honey when it is not. The Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) has threatened to step in and sort things out.
Many of our native plants and animals have evolved over 60 million years, isolated from the world by 3000kms of deep ocean. They have evolved in unique ways to suit their different environment. This has given them diverse genetic properties that could be invaluable for future medical research.
The biodiversity of our native species is probably one of the greatest assets we have and yet most of us know nothing about them!