Self-esteem is something we all need and many of us lack. Where we get it from varies from person to person. Some get it from a pat on the back from the boss, others from volunteering and helping others, a few get it from fast cars and other phallic symbols, we all get it from being appreciated and valued by the people we respect and care about.
If you are a woman, it is also a fair assumption to say you derive at least a portion of it from the way you look.
I have always been in the fortunate position of being born with a fast metabolism to compliment my languid attitude to exercise and, as a result, I have taken for granted a socially acceptable size 10 figure that has remained mostly unchanged since I was 20.
Then along came pregnancy. Which is just totally awesome. Not.
I know I ought to be publicly waving the flag for the wonderful glow that comes over a woman in the full flush of creating new life, but let's be honest here: I am currently host to a lovely little parasite that is brazenly taking anything and everything it likes from me at my expense and, lately, is getting big and boisterous and making me look like I didn't just eat too many pies, but went back to monster the dessert table.