Wanganui East's aged swimming pool may have had its funding pulled from the district council Annual Plan but the community has the power to have it reinstated.
The pool has been plagued with problems, largely because it is 100 years old and its infrastructure is in need of urgent repair. And it is losing about 30,000 litres of water a day and still no-one can say where it's going.
Hopes of getting council funding for the next season took a blow when a budget figure of $391,000 for the next financial year, and $47,000 in the following two years, was taken out of the council's draft Annual Plan.
But at a council meeting last week, Mayor Annette Main said public submissions to the plan could bring about a change.
The problems at the pool came to a head last year when it was found that almost 18 million litres of water had been lost in the first six months of 2013. The council carried out temporary repairs before it opened for this summer in December.