The fishing was short but sweet at the annual Wanganui Manawatu Sea Fishing Club's competition.
Club Commodore Brian Tapa said the competition was supposed to start on Saturday, but fishing was cancelled due to poor weather.
"We had close to 100 boats go out, and they had a brilliant day's fishing. Absolutely brilliant. There is so much fish out there. There probably isn't a fisherman out there who isn't pleased with what he caught."

Mr Tapa said the fish caught were hapuka, gurnard, tarakihi, trevally, kahawai, blue cod and some snapper. He said fishers came from all over the lower North Island for the competition, although most competitors were from Whanganui. Late yesterday afternoon the fish auction, which was open to the public, was held, followed by prize-giving at the Castlecliff Club. A half-day of fishing will be held today and a final prize-giving this afternoon.