A huge thank you to the 50-plus people who came along to the Castlecliff Coast Care July community planting day at Morgan St. What a fantastic community turnout!
Planting native sand binders, spinifex and pingao reduces sand blowing onto Morgan St and we were thrilled to see that last year's plants are now well established. The planting days are a joint initiative between Whanganui District Council and Castlecliff Coast Care, beginning last year and set to continue with about 10,000 plants to be added over winter.
The council is funding half the cost of the plants, plus some establishment fertiliser. Castlecliff Coast Care is receiving $30,000, over three years, from trustees of the Tai Shan Foundation via The Gift Trust, to buy plants for this project and for future projects working with Whanganui Hapu collective Te Mata Puau.
Castlecliff Coast Care is also supported by DoC and local firms Four Square Castlecliff, and TAHU Drinks to provide a barbecue lunch on Sunday. The planting days are expanding the planted areas and establishing a further rejuvenation area in a second blowout further north.
If you'd like to join this fantastic initiative, the next opportunity is on Sunday, August 14, from 10.30am to 12.30pm at Morgan St. Volunteers will walk to the planting area on the foredunes. Please come prepared for working on an exposed site. Warm clothes, gardening gloves and a hat are advised, plus solid footwear. Bring your favourite spade too!
For further details see Coast Care's Facebook page, or contact Graham 027 222 8378.