WHAT happens if (or when) everything falls apart? Back in the '70s I read a frightening book. The story took place in rural Florida immediately after the nuclear bombing of much of the East and North US, and followed the efforts of a family and friends to survive.
What was emphasised in this disturbing scenario was the endless hard work needed just to grow or find enough food to survive. Fortunately, they had an agriculture specialist with them, otherwise they would have starved. There were, of course, the usual riff-raff to fend off, especially in the beginning, but the main focus was producing food and finding useful materials (think plastics and machined metals). Imagine city people living in high rises foraging for food in deserted stores and homes.
Plenty of literature, both fact and fiction, has sprung up around this subject, but it does seem the most likely development would be a world of tribes, constantly at war with each other and surviving on the knife-edge of starvation.
There are groups of people in the US who call themselves survivalists. They expect something catastrophic to happen and feel they are ready for it. They have a loose organisation based on survival after the calamity they are convinced will come.
They plan on living deep in the wild in small two-three family units. Guns and other lethal hardware play a large part in their thinking, but they have at least three months of tinned and packaged food stashed away, guessing it will all be over by then. They pour scorn on those who are, by their standards, unprepared. However, our civilisation is precarious, intricately cross-linked, and the permanent severing of a single link of our support system severely jeopardises the whole structure.