A petition calling on the Wanganui District Council to take action on roaming dogs has received 144 electronic signatures so far, with paper copies hitting the city yesterday.
The petition was put up on change.org late last week and reads: "Because people do not feel safe in their community. Roaming dogs are attacking people and animals. WDC needs to address this problem with a solution. Penalties via a strike system for owners. Enforcement of dog registration. Education to owners."
The petition was launched by Sharon Semple, who had her cat killed by a dog. Now she intends to campaign for action on roaming dogs via the petition and submission to council's animal control bylaw review. "Not that it's really the bylaw that has to change - it's more that the council has to enforce the bylaw," she said.
Ms Semple, who hopes to get between 5000 and 10,000 signatures on her petition, said there were a lot of questions the council needed to answer.