In a NZ census, do our Scottish immigrants get the added choice of a clan or island, like that afforded to people from tribes or the Pacific? Is Scotland in Europe? Is Russia, Canada, Australia?
We'll continue to bend over backwards for those of colour yet completely ignore the true identity of many others, preferring to heap them under, one big white umbrella, manufactured exclusively in Europe! The remaining and truly racially offensive option is to be callously reduced to "Other", like they're simply not worth mentioning.
When will we realise that race is not determined by colour? I'm picking not this year, if ever.
I also predict that a new word will be added to our vocabulary.
You heard it here first, people. Breastify.
Equal rights activists and ball-busters, the world over, may cotton on to the fact that the word testify harks back to ye olde days when men would swear on their all precious testicles.
The globally gonadless will rise, united, to right this heinous wrong. Vaginify seems the obvious replacement but sadly is not gender neutral, where as breastify can, inoffensively, be applied to both male and female and all those on that now vast spectrum of the in-between.
And why not .. making tits of ourselves in the name of political correctness has almost become a science.
My all seeing eye further predicts that, by the end of the year, Britain will be all but bankrupt.
Their social welfare policies, many of which we in New Zealand continue to adopt, like state care from cradle til grave, were all well and good when the life expectancy, on inception, was only 46. The maths, however, tells another story based on the human longevity of today.
The country's present debt combined with credit card and personal debt is simply no longer sustainable, yet it continues to grow at an alarming rate.
They'll be left with little option but to return to the 75 per cent tax rates of the 70s and far more drastic measures. Heaven help us if our government continues to follow their lead.
Still, it will give the self-entitled, British whingers something to bitch about at their local, over a pricey, taxpayer-funded pint, eh guv?
Lastly, what's deemed as news, will continue to be chosen for us.
Hand picked and fed to us, like monkeys in a cage.
Entertaining and mindless. Our choice to wear our "big boy pants" and face the world's reality will continue to be stripped from us in favour of tacky free gossip sites, cheap social media and those with politically orchestrated motives. Networks and the like would rather spend their dosh on a multitude of "celebrity" news tellers none of whom, according to ratings, seem able to last the distance, despite their obscene salaries and car deals. I can't think why, can you?
But hey, what do I know? #sopredictable
■Kate Stewart is an unemployed, reluctant mother of three, on the run from government forces, who welcomes feedback to