Who is the city/region's unsung hero? My husband, Peter Robinson, who has rescued, renovated and reinvented a number of elderly buildings in the Central Business District - back before it became fashionable. And renovated numerous houses which led to a rent-to-buy scheme enabling dozens of families to purchase the properties and own their own homes.
What do you most like about living here? The kindness of people, the environment, the awa, the increasing bicultural awareness and increased positive and proactive publicity about achievements of citizens from all backgrounds. The pace of life. The Whanganui Regional Museum and its fabulous collection and people.
The proximity to other centres and the ease (generally) of reaching them.
If there was one thing you could change about Wanganui for the better, what would it be?
Double the population, improve the health, educational and economic status of our residents, and work on a vision for our city that would enable us all to work towards this.
What makes Wanganui great? Share your views and nominate worthy story subjects. Post a comment on our Facebook page, email editor@wanganuichronicle.co.nz (subject line: Celebrating Wanganui) or post to Celebrating Wanganui, Editorial, Wanganui Chronicle, PO Box 433, Wanganui.