We have a son in Adelaide, along with three grandchildren, so we often speak on the phone or Skype. For a while there my favourite joke was to say something like "It's really hot here. We are expecting a heat wave - the temperature is likely to get to 25 degrees." To enjoy this joke it was important to have watched the weather report - not our one, but the prediction for Adelaide, which TV One conveniently provides.
It is not uncommon for the temperature in South Australia to reach the low40s and rising, lately, to the mid-40s. So high, in fact that is no longer a joking matter - or a point that needs to be made. Air too thick to breathe does that pretty well.
Many local parents will recognise this gambit for the cheap ploy that it is. It is really just a subtle way of pointing out how uncomfortable the place where the offspring have settled is, and wouldn't it be better to return home to the third most temperate climate in the world?
But while the climate and beauty of this area compare very favourably with Australia and the cost of living is matchless, we all scratch to find any other way of attracting the kids to come back.
Most young people I talk to want to get out of Wanganui. Marton, Taihape and Ohakune kids are even more motivated to leave, and the last one out of Hunterville please turn off the Playstation; which is tragic because they are all nice places to be, when you're a bit older at least. The only things missing are the jobs, and the other, "cooler", young people.