The proposed design for a new stretch of road connecting State Highway 3 to Waiinu Beach will be extremely unsafe, affected landowner Diana Handley says.
South Taranaki District Council wants to take 4.5ha of her organic dairy farm to extend Nukumaru Station Rd. The extension would be a more secure route to Waiinu Beach and the Silver Fern Farms Waitotara meatworks than the current Waiinu Beach Rd.
Miss Handley is the only landowner objecting to the proposal.
She has employed Christchurch-based planner and landscape architect Di Lucas. The two presented an alternative route for the road extension at a resource consent hearing on August 7, but have been told it cannot be considered.
Miss Handley was brought up on Rapanui Rd, near Whanganui, which she said had become "very very unsafe".