"Because Robert had a background in electronics engineering, we were able to add a bit of expertise to the business," Ms Farrow said.
"We have a client who has MS [multiple sclerosis] and was only able to move his elbow so we adapted the wireless headset to suit his needs which allows him to remain in employment.
"We have also made headsets for parachutists who need to talk directly to each other in the air and rally car drivers for similar reasons," Mr Hopkins said.
The couple said they moved to Waverley for a more relaxed lifestyle.
"We are an online business so really we can base ourselves anywhere, as long as we have good internet, VoIP telephony and working PCs most of our clients probably wouldn't even know we've shifted," Ms Farrow said.
Since starting the company, the business has expanded to sell to the international market.
All Ears Ltd now exports to Australia, Portugal, Canada and the Pacific Islands, making up about 30 per cent of their business return.
Mr Hopkins said after the Christchurch earthquake hit, the need for headsets became crucial for businesses who could not get back into their call centres.
Although the couple have opted for a more relaxed lifestyle, business will continue as usual for the entrepreneurial couple.