I was exceptionally fortunate that they had brought me up, because those annoying things (and there were a lot of them) were already known to them.
Fast forward to 2023. Due to circumstances, I’m temporarily ensconced once again with good old Ann and Clive. I feel like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. “I’m back!” Add to this I also arrived dealing with recovering from a head injury. Poor them.
There has been a lot during this recent election campaign about children moving back in with their parents so they can afford to save for a home. I would have to confess to feeling like something of a failure when I consider that I am now one of “them”.
I have owned two of my own homes, but due to life, I am in a different position now where I’m looking for a rental in our market. Lordy Miss Claudy, with the prices of rentals, I’ll be living with Mum and Dad until I’m 70.
I’m not sure if I qualify as a member of the “squeezed middle”, quite frankly, I’ve had a gutsful of the term, but something’s squeezed and it isn’t just my jeans.
However, I prefer to look on the bright side and I feel so damned fortunate that I can spend this time with my parents and help where I can to make their life easier.
I wasn’t a huge fan of Space Invaders in the 80s, but am conscious that I am one now, so I try to pull my weight. Mum and I sort of tag-team with cooking so she can have a night off, I’ll tickle up the garden, make cups of tea, take the recycling and empty the dishwasher.
You’d be amazed at how quickly you slip back into being their child again, no matter what your age.
The other thing that’s great is that our humour is the same and I’m quite happy watching the programmes they do because for the most part, they are what I watch anyway.
The Chase, Lingo and Country Calendar get a hammering (slightly tragic) and I’ve introduced them to Netflix. That was particularly thrilling as we were able to binge-watch the David Beckham documentary.
My occasional frustration with not having time on my own is far outweighed by my gratitude that I get this time with them.